Welcome to the Internet’s Largest Resource for Self Help Information


At heart we are just self help enthusiasts… probably fanatics. We are a small group of friends who are obsessed with the fact that you can learn about your mind, find out how it ticks, and then take control.. use tools, methods and techniques to change the way your mind works for a more positive outcome.

We read books, we watch videos, we use a lot of audio products.. we have tried everything and done a lot of research into how things work and why.. as we understand that self improvement can seem a little mystical or improbable from the outside looking in..

..so we have made it our mission to compile the largest free resource of self help information online.

We take a look at everything and every way possible to change your mindset and change the way you live your life.. and the “results” you get from life.

We look at how different tools and techniques work from a technical and scientific perspective and present research studies too, but we try to present our information in the most simple and down to earth way as possible.

We are not a scientific journal, and above all, we believe that developing yourself doesn’t have to be complicated, that it is just a case of finding your method; whether it is using nlp (neuro linguistic programming) principles, hitting the gym and sticking to a workout plan to increase your energy and confidence, using positive affirmations every morning, or perhaps mind penetrating audio is more your style.

If you are just starting off and dipping your toes into self improvement then our site is a great stepping off point. You can see what is available to try, and read about the different methods to see which might suit you.

One Method Doesn’t Suit All

A jugglerBecause it is true, not one method is right for everyone. We actually believe that ANY method can bring results, and we heavily debate between ourselves what is better – reading books vs watching videos, motivational speeches vs hypnotherapy.

In truth, there is no right answer. Consider the same material in book format, spoken word audio format, and a movie. We are all different, our minds work in different ways and some people prefer reading, others are more visual thinkers and prefer to watch and learn, other people might live a lifestyle where they get the most benefit from an audio book; listening on the way to work.

So, when you take into account nlp techniques that you practice yourself, audio sessions which can be passive like binaural beats or subliminal messages vs perhaps more penetrating audio methods like guided meditation or hypnosis, as well as activities such as active planning, mastermind groups, visiting a life coach.. etc etc.

There is just so much to choose from!

This Site is Not a Debate

So what this website is not – it is not a debate. We do not belittle one method over another. If all you need are personal spoken affirmations then that is fantastic, but this might not be right for everyone. We leave our heated debates for a lunch time and we only present a positive view here.

We will simply explain how a method works, what you have to do, when you may typically see results, and what other action you may need to take, and hopefully let you decide for yourself if the technique is right for you or not.

Get Started Today

Take a look through our key categories of personal development methods and tools to learn how they work and get insight into what might be right for you:

How Subliminal Messages Work

How Hypnosis Works

How Meditation Works

How Positive Affirmations Work