How Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend Subliminal Messages Work
This page is all about get over your ex girlfriend subliminal messages. Reading this page will teach you everything you need to know about using subliminal messages to get over your ex-girlfriend. By the end of it you will know what a subliminal message is, how they are made, how they work and how long they take to work.
Technical Explanation
You may think that you only have one mind but you actually have two, your conscious mind and subconscious mind.
It is your conscious mind that does all your thinking and you happen to be using this part of your brain right now as you read this article. You should know that getting change using this part of your brain is rather difficult and that you are aware of all messages that are sent to it.
Your subconscious mind is very different from your conscious mind. Your subconscious isn’t capable of any logical thought, instead it accepts anything sent to it as true and it is where all your beliefs and automatic behaviours happened to be stored. You should know that you aren’t aware of any messages that are sent to your subconscious.
You need to know about your conscious and subconscious mind as it is only once you do that you will understand the definition of a subliminal message which is any message that has been put together in such a way that it communicates directly with the subconscious mind.
If you are wondering how a message is made subliminal, well when it comes to subliminal audio it is done by taking the messages and recording them at a frequency level that is slightly higher than the frequency level that the human ear can consciously pick up on.
As for the actual messages that are contained in a subliminal audio album, well they happen to be positive affirmations and the kind you would find in a subliminal audio album for getting over your ex girlfriend are:
Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend Positive Affirmations
- I am over my ex-girlfriend
- I am excited about all the new women I am going to meet
- I love my new freedom
- My future is bright
- I will find my true partner in the future
How Subliminal Messages Can Help You To Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend
As has been said above subliminal audio is just positive affirmations that have been made subliminal and because of that subliminal works on the same principle as positive affirmations and that is the power of repetition.
You see what happens when you listen to a subliminal audio album for getting over you ex girlfriend what happens is that your subconscious is sent a bunch of positive affirmations such as the ones shown and with enough repetition what ends up happening is that your mind-set around your ex-girlfriend ends up changing and you end up being able to accept that it is over between the two of you, you develop the inner strength needed to not contact her and you end up realizing the freedom that you have and you can’t help but smile and get excited about all the women you’re going to meet in the future.
One thing you may be thinking right now is if subliminal audio is just positive affirmations that have been made subliminal, why just not stick with positive affirmations?
Well, both positive affirmations and subliminal audio will get you the same results but with subliminal audio you don’t have to take time out of your day to repeat the affirmations, instead you just sit back and listen to the subliminal audio while you do everyday things like driving, cleaning, cooking and working.
As for how long it will take to see results from subliminal audio, well that is different with each person however it is repetition that makes subliminal audio work, so it will take at least a few listens, you can’t expect to listen to the subliminal audio album once and be over your ex girlfriend.
If after reading this article you are interested in trying subliminal audio for yourself then you can do so right now by entering your name and email below in order to get your free subliminal audio album:
External References - Great article that gives you six tips for getting over your ex-girlfriend. 11 Tips For Getting Over Your Ex - A collection of 11 tips for getting over your ex. - Three things you can do to get over your ex for good. - A list of 13 things you can do to get over your ex-girlfriend, including pushing the red button.
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